Discovering cradle cap on your little one's delicate scalp can be concerning, but worry not. In this blog, we delve into the world of cradle cap, offering insights into its nature, causes, and, most importantly, effective management with our natural skincare solutions.

Understanding Cradle Cap

What is Cradle Cap?

Cradle cap is a common skin condition that often affects infants in their first three months of life. It manifests as thick, waxy, yellow crusts on the baby's scalp and eyebrows, presenting a visually distinct appearance. While it may seem worrisome, cradle cap is generally harmless, not causing pain or itching.

Symptoms of Cradle Cap

  • Yellow, greasy, waxy scales or flakes on the scalp, sometimes extending to the eyebrows.
  • Reddening of the skin, occasionally due to eczema developing underneath the cradle cap.
  • Non-contagious and typically clears by itself after a few months.

Unveiling the Causes of Cradle Cap

What Triggers Cradle Cap?

The exact cause of cradle cap remains unknown, but several factors may contribute:

  • Inflammation or abnormality of oil glands and hair follicles.
  • Presence of a yeast fungus with bacteria in the sebum.
  • Hormonal changes, stress, fatigue, and seasonal variations.
  • Relationship with skin yeasts, specifically Malassezia spp.

Infection and Cradle Cap

In some cases, the skin beneath cradle cap crusts may become infected, leading to redness and small blisters. If your baby exhibits signs of infection, such as spreading redness or unwell symptoms, consult a doctor promptly. Unlike cradle cap, infection is contagious and may require antibiotic treatment.

Natural Solutions for Cradle Cap

Natural Scalp Solutions

Our range of natural skincare products are all infused with Mānuka oil and are designed to alleviate the symptoms of cradle cap, offering a gentle touch to your baby's sensitive scalp.

1. Shampoo for Sensitive Scalp: Our antibacterial shampoo effectively washes the scalp, combating inflammation and removing crusts and excess oils gently.

2. Conditioner for Sensitive Scalp: A creamy, soothing  conditioner that helps soften crusty patches, providing a nourishing touch while rinsing out easily.

3. Eczema Relief Body Lotion: This body lotion infused with Mānuka oil is ideal for massaging into the scalp, reducing inflammation, and leaving it on to soften cradle cap patches. Research* shows that Mānuka oil is a potent ingredient, loaded with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral and antioxidant properties making it a game changer for cradle cap and itchy skin conditions. 

Soothing Nighttime Ritual for Cradle Cap

Create a soothing nighttime routine by massaging the scalp with our Eczema Relief Body Lotion, followed by washing the hair the next morning with our Shampoo and Conditioner. Gently lift crusts with a soft brush to keep the scalp moisturised and reduce irritation.

Care at Home

While cradle cap often resolves on its own, you can expedite the process with some simple steps:

  • Loosen crusts by applying a light moisturising eczema relief body lotion to the scalp.
  • Wash your baby's hair with a Mānuka oil inifused shampoo for sensitive scalp, gently lifting crusts off with a soft brush or comb.
  • If needed, use a mild shampoo for one to two weeks, ensuring it doesn't irritate the baby's skin or eyes.

Cradle cap may recur, but consistent care can manage its symptoms effectively.

For more detailed information on cradle cap management, read more here


Managing cradle cap becomes a gentle journey with our natural skincare solutions. Embrace the nurturing touch of Mānuka oil-infused products, ensuring your little one's scalp receives the care it deserves. Witness the beauty of a soothed and happy baby, free from the concerns of cradle cap.





1. Maddocks-Jennings, W. et al. (2005) A fresh look at manuka and Kanuka Essential Oils from New Zealand, International Journal of Aromatherapy. No longer published by Elsevier. Available here.

2. Douglas, Malcolm & Klink, John & Smallfield, Bruce & Perry, Nigel & Anderson, Rosemary & Johnstone, Peter & Weavers, Rex. (2004). Essential oils from New Zealand manuka: Triketone and other chemotypes of Leptospermum scoparium. Phytochemistry. 65. 1255-64. 10.1016/j.phytochem.2004.03.019.

3. Vanessa Ngan, Staff Writer, 2002. Updated by Dr Thomas Stewart, General Practitioner, Sydney, Australia, November 2017  Available here