
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a persistent skin disorder in which there are red, thickened areas with silvery scales, often on the scalp, elbows, knees and lower back. Some cases are mild, while others are severe and cover large areas of the body. These changes in the skin often itch. The itching can become intense, and scratching increases the risk of an infection. While there is no cure for psoriasis, it is treatable.
Psoriasis affects an estimated 40% of adults and 50-80% of adolescents, and is thought to be hereditary. In addition, as many as 80% of people having flare-ups report a recent emotional trauma, such as a new job or the death of a loved one.
What are the symptoms of Psoriasis?
There are many easy-to-spot signs with this skin condition. Commonly, most types of psoriasis flare-up in cycles. Often, a person would experience their symptoms a few weeks or months at a time. After these flare-ups, these symptoms would then subside for a period of time. Indicators of psoriasis include the following symptoms:
• Patches of Red and Irritated Skin: These patches have loose silvery scales covering them. If left untreated, they can either crack or bleed. It is this scaly type of rash that is a characteristic of psoriasis.
• Discoloured fingernails or toenails: Nails can crumble and detach from the nail bed.
• Flaky Scalp: People tend to mistake a psoriatic scalp with a simple case of dandruff. Because of this, they tend to be unable to stop their scalp from flaking off with medicated shampoos. The difference between psoriasis and dandruff is psoriasis is yellowish in colour and consists of larger flakes
• Painful or swollen joints: Among the several different types of psoriasis is psoriatic arthritis. This involves problems with joints. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, 10%-30% of psoriatic patients experience arthritic symptoms.
Typically, an individual has only one type of psoriasis at a time. Generally, one type of psoriasis will clear and another form of psoriasis will appear in response to a trigger.
What causes Psoriasis?
While the cause of psoriasis is not specifically known, recent discoveries show an abnormality in the functioning of special white cells, called T-cells, which trigger inflammation and the immune response in the skin. Therefore, this causes the skin to grow too rapidly. Dead skin cells subsequently build up too fast and then thick plaques form. In some cases, this process can be activated by streptococcal infections, such as strep throat, by certain medications or emotional stress or trauma.
What are the types of Psoriasis?
There are different types of psoriasis which present a variety of distinct characteristics and symptoms. If you struggle with psoriasis, it is important to pinpoint which specific type you have in order to learn how to manage and treat it. To help you understand this chronic condition and its subtypes, here is a comprehensive list illustrating their key differences:
• Plaque Psoriasis: This is the most common type. It causes dry and red skin lesions that also include a covering of silvery scales. These lesions are painful and itchy. They can develop in any area of the body. Among the most uncomfortable areas where these plaques can grow are the genitals and inside the mouth.
• Nail Psoriasis: This involves nail pitting and discolouration. Additionally, the nails are also brittle and grow abnormally. They might also be loose to a point that it detaches from the nail bed.
• Guttate Psoriasis: Very common in children, teenagers, and young adults. It usually develops after a bacterial infection such as strep throat. The lesions involved are smaller and have finer scales. They often cover the trunk, arms, legs, and scalp.
• Inverse Psoriasis: Usually occurs on the skin of the armpit, groin, and under the breasts. The lesions are smooth and bright red. Because of the areas this condition affects, the lesions tend to worsen due to sweat and friction. Much like Guttate Psoriasis, Inverse Psoriasis occurs due to an infection. However, it develops following a fungal infection.
• Pustular Psoriasis: Primarily seen in adults, it is characterised by white blisters of non-infectious pus (consisting of white blood cells) surrounded by red skin. Pustular psoriasis may be localised to certain areas of the body, such as the hands and feet, or may cover most of the body. It begins with the reddening of the skin followed by the formation of pustules and scaling. Importantly, it may be triggered by internal medications, irritating topical agents, overexposure to UV light, pregnancy, systemic steroids, infections, stress and sudden withdrawal of systemic medications or potent topical steroids.
• Erythrodermic Psoriasis: Is a particularly inflammatory form of psoriasis that affects most of the body surface. It may occur in association with von Zumbusch pustular psoriasis. It is characterised by periodic, widespread, fiery redness of the skin and the shedding of scales in sheets, rather than smaller flakes. The reddening and shedding of the skin are often accompanied by severe itching and pain, heart rate increase, and fluctuating body temperature. Known triggers include the abrupt withdrawal of a psoriasis treatment including cortisone; allergic reaction to a drug resulting in the Koebner response; severe sunburns; infection; and medications such as lithium, anti-malarial drugs; and strong coal tar products.
• Psoriatic Arthritis: A person with psoriatic arthritis doesn’t just struggle with patches of red and inflamed skin. They also have to manage swollen and painful joints. These joint problems are symptoms typical of arthritis. The symptoms indicating Psoriatic Arthritis can range from very mild to severe and can manifest in any joint. This chronic condition is not as severe as other forms of arthritis but it can lead to stiffness and deformity.
Can Psoriasis be cured?
There’s no treatment or medicine that permanently cures psoriasis, however, researchers are continually testing new treatments to treat it, or prevent it from getting worse.
What can i do now and in the future?
The goal is to reduce the inflammation and to control the scale build-up as well as the shedding of the skin. Traditionally prescription medications include topical creams such as steroids, anthralin, vitamin D, retinoids and coal tar. The goal of these medications is to have an anti-inflammatory effect as well as to help soften and break up the excess scale but they can have side effects in the future. Therefore, it is important to discuss these with your doctor. Treatment depends on the type of psoriasis, its location, and how widespread it is.
Fortunately, there are some natural alternatives available that can help soothe the skin and reduce redness. A variety of natural treatments are available, and finding the right option requires guidance from a medical professional.
All our products contain 100% organic New Zealand Mānuka Oil, known for its amazing healing powers, is combined with organic, tree nut-free oils to create this gentle, nourishing manuka oil product that will not irritate the skin. This, combined with our Body Lotion moisturises even the driest of skin, creates an effective barrier, reduces inflammation, and fights bacteria which heals open wounds and soothing irritated Psoriasis skin.
For drier areas of skin, the Manuka Biotic Hand Cream is a rich nourishing cream that provides soothing relief.
Our Shampoo and Conditioner is suitable for the treatment of psoriasis on the scalp and neck. A tip is to leave the shampoo on the scalp for up to 5 mins to allow the Mānuka Oil to actively work to reduce the bacteria, itchiness and restore the natural moisture to the scalp. Psoriasis patches can creep past your hairline to your forehead, the back of your neck, or the skin near your hairline.