Amidst the myriad of molluscum treatment options, a stark contrast emerges between traditional remedies and the natural approach offered by Manuka Biotic's molluscum solutions. While conventional methods often involve harsh chemicals and painful procedures, Manuka Biotic's range harnesses the power of mānuka oil to provide gentle yet effective relief without causing discomfort or scarring. By opting for natural solutions like targeted mānuka oil treatment, such as our Molluscum Bundle which includes certified organic mānuka oil, our Eczema Relief Body Lotion, and Calming Body Wash, individuals can address molluscum spots with care and efficacy.

Understanding Molluscum Contagiosum

Treatment Options

Molluscum contagiosum can be treated in various ways. Treatment is not always necessary as the infection may go away on its own over time. However, if treatment is desired or needed due to discomfort or aesthetic reasons, there are several options available.

  • Treatment for molluscum involves various methods such as freezing the bumps using liquid nitrogen, scraping them off with a sharp tool, applying topical creams with ingredients like salicylic acid or potassium hydroxide,

  • Or an all natural remedies like Mānuka Oil infused skincare like our Molluscum Bundle


Home Remedies and Natural Treatments

In addition to medical interventions, there are also home remedies and natural treatments that some people find helpful in managing molluscum contagiosum. These remedies aim to alleviate symptoms and promote healing without medical intervention.

  • Home remedies for molluscum contagiosum include:

  • Applying apple cider vinegar directly to the bumps.

  • Using Mānuka oil topically on the affected spots

  • Using Mānuka oil infuse natural skincare bundle to help protect the skin barrier.

Natural treatments such as these may provide relief from itching and irritation associated with molluscum while supporting the body's natural healing processes. You can read more how to apply the Bundle here


Signs, Symptoms, and Causes of Molluscum 

Molluscum contagiosum is characterised by the presence of small flesh-colored bumps on the skin. These bumps can be identified by their distinctive features, such as a central indentation or a white waxy core. If you notice these peculiar bumps on your skin, it could indicate a possible molluscum contagiosum infection.

These lesions are typically painless but may cause mild itching or tenderness. They commonly appear in areas like the face, neck, arms, and hands but can also develop in other parts of the body. The appearance of these bumps is one of the primary indicators that someone might have contracted molluscum contagiosum.


Spread and Transmission

One significant aspect to note about molluscum contagiosum is how it spreads among individuals. This viral infection is highly contagious and primarily transmits through direct contact with an infected person or contaminated objects. For instance, sharing towels or engaging in close physical contact with someone who has molluscum contagiosum increases the risk of contracting this condition.

The virus responsible for causing molluscum contagiosium thrives in warm and humid environments; hence places like swimming pools or gym locker rooms pose a higher risk for transmission due to shared surfaces where people come into contact with each other's skin directly.

  • Molluscums spread through direct contact.

  • Lesions are usually painless but may itch.

  • Commonly found on face, neck, arms.

  • Transmitted via contaminated objects like towels.


Diagnosis of Molluscum Contagiosum

Visual Identification

Molluscum contagiosum is typically diagnosed by observing the distinct appearance of small, round bumps on the skin. These bumps are usually flesh-colored or pink with a dimpled center. They may appear alone or in clusters and are commonly found in areas like the face, neck, armpits, and arms.
The characteristic look of molluscum contagiosum sets it apart from other common skin conditions such as warts or chickenpox. While these conditions may share some similarities in appearance, dermatologists can often differentiate them based on specific features unique to each condition.

Skin Biopsy

In certain instances where diagnosis through visual inspection is inconclusive, a dermatologist might opt for a skin biopsy to confirm the presence of molluscum contagiosum definitively. During a skin biopsy procedure, a small sample of tissue from one of the bumps is collected and examined under a microscope to identify the virus causing the infection.
  • Visual identification is quick and non-invasive.

  • Skin biopsies provide definitive confirmation when necessary.


  • Biopsies involve minor discomfort and possible scarring.
  • Can be more time-consuming than visual diagnosis alone.

Skin infections like molluscum contagiosum require accurate identification to ensure appropriate treatment measures are taken promptly. By correctly diagnosing this viral infection early on, individuals can avoid complications and reduce its spread to others who come into close contact with them.


Treatment Options for Molluscum Contagiosum

Removing the Bumps

Treatment options for molluscum contagiosum aim to eliminate the bumps and prevent further spreading. One common approach is cryotherapy, which involves freezing the bumps with liquid nitrogen. This method causes the bump to blister, scab over, and eventually fall off. Another method is curettage, where a dermatologist uses a small tool called a curette to scrape off the bumps.

Topical medications are also used as treatment. These can include creams or ointments that are applied directly to the affected areas. These medications may help reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process of the bumps caused by molluscum contagiosum.

Allowing Natural Resolution

In some instances, cases of molluscum contagiosum may resolve on their own without any treatment intervention. The body's immune system can naturally fight off the virus over time, leading to clearance of the bumps without medical assistance from a dermatologist or physician.

While seeking treatment from a healthcare professional is often recommended for quicker resolution and prevention of spreading, allowing natural resolution might be suitable in certain situations where immediate medical attention is not accessible or necessary.


Managing and Treating Molluscum at Home

If you're dealing with molluscum contagiosum, there are some home remedies that might help alleviate the symptoms. While these methods may not cure the condition outright, they can assist in managing it effectively. For instance, applying apple cider vinegar or mānuka oil to the affected areas could potentially aid in reducing the appearance of lesions caused by molluscum contagiosum. These natural remedies have been known to possess antiviral and antibacterial properties that might be beneficial in combating the virus responsible for this skin infection.  To learn more about managing molluscum contagiosum with our natural solutions click the link.

When considering home treatments for molluscum contagiosum, always remember that consulting a healthcare professional is crucial before trying any remedy on your own. Seeking guidance from a medical expert ensures that you are taking appropriate measures tailored to your specific situation. 

Duration of Molluscum Contagiosium Infection

Most cases of molluscum contagiosium tend to resolve on their own over time without requiring aggressive medical intervention. Typically, individuals infected with this virus witness an improvement within six months to one year as their immune system fights off the infection naturally. Children especially tend to experience clearance within a shorter period compared to adults due to their robust immune responses against such viruses. The characteristic spots associated with this condition often appear on various parts of the body where moisture accumulates or skin rubs together, such as around armpits and groin areas.

  1. For many children suffering from molluscum, spontaneous resolution occurs within six to nine months due to their resilient immunity.

  2. The infection manifests through distinctive spots primarily found in regions where skin folds or friction exist—common sites include behind knees and underarms.


When to Seek Medical Attention

If the bumps caused by molluscum become painful, inflamed, or show signs of being infected, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly. These symptoms can indicate a more serious issue that requires professional evaluation and treatment.

It's essential not to ignore any discomfort or changes in the appearance of the bumps, especially if they start causing pain or exhibit signs of infection like redness, warmth, or pus. Seeking help from a healthcare provider ensures proper assessment and appropriate intervention to prevent complications.


Preventing the Spread of Molluscum

1.Skin-to-Skin Contact

To prevent molluscum contagiosum from spreading, avoid direct skin contact with individuals who have molluscum spots. This includes activities like hugging, wrestling, or any other physical touch that can lead to the transfer of the virus.

Maintaining a safe distance from infected persons reduces the risk of contracting molluscum. By refraining from close contact, especially with open sores or lesions caused by the virus, you lower your chances of getting infected.

2. Hygiene Practices

Practicing good hygiene is crucial in preventing the spread of molluscum contagiosum. Regularly washing your hands with soap and water helps eliminate any potential viruses that may be present on your hands after touching contaminated surfaces.

Avoid sharing personal items like towels, clothing, razors, or sports equipment as these objects can harbor the virus and facilitate its transmission. Using separate items for personal use minimises exposure to molluscum, reducing the likelihood of infection.

3. Cover Affected Areas

Keeping affected areas covered is essential in minimising the risk of transmitting molluscum contagiosum to others. Using waterproof bandages over growths or lesions prevents direct contact with these contagious areas and decreases viral spread.

Covering affected regions also aids in preventing accidental scratching or rubbing that could exacerbate symptoms and contribute to further contamination. By using appropriate coverings over blisters or growths caused by molluscum contagiosum, you create a barrier against spreading the virus to different parts of your body or other individuals.

4.  Considerations for Immunocompromised Persons

Immunocompromised patients face more severe and longer-lasting molluscum contagiosum. Their weakened immune system struggles to fight the virus effectively, leading to persistent infections. Close observation by healthcare providers is vital to manage the condition promptly.


Outcome of Molluscum Contagiosum Treatment

1. Resolution Timeframe

Most cases of molluscum contagiosum can be resolved within a few months to a year without appropriate treatment. The lesions caused by the virus usually disappear on their own over time, but treatments like cryotherapy or topical creams such as Manuka Biotic’s Molluscum Bundle can help speed up the process.

Proper management and care are essential for ensuring that the infection clears up effectively. 

2. Possibility of Recurrence

Despite successful treatment, there is still a risk of recurrence with molluscum contagiosum, especially among individuals with weakened immune systems. This highlights the importance of not only treating the current infection but also taking steps to boost overall immunity.

For immunocompromised persons mentioned in the previous section, recurrent infections are more common due to their compromised immune response. In such cases, additional measures may be needed to prevent future outbreaks and manage any potential recurrences effectively.

Now you've learned all about molluscum contagiosum, from its signs and symptoms to treatment options and prevention methods. Remember, early detection is key, so keep an eye out for any suspicious bumps on your skin. If you suspect molluscum, don't worry! There are various treatments available, both at home and through medical intervention. By taking proactive steps to manage and treat this condition, you can minimise discomfort and prevent its spread to others. Stay informed and empowered in your journey towards healthier skin!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can molluscum contagiosum be treated at home?
Molluscum contagiosum can be managed at home by practicing good hygiene, avoiding scratching or picking at the lesions, and using natural over-the-counter remedies like apple cider vinegar or manuka oil infused molluscum solutions.
2. Is it necessary to seek medical attention for molluscum contagiosum?
While some cases of molluscum may resolve on their own without treatment, it's advisable to seek medical attention if you notice persistent or worsening symptoms, have concerns about the infection spreading, or if you belong to a high-risk group such as being immunocompromised.
3. What are the common signs and symptoms of molluscum contagiosum?
Signs of molluscum include small raised bumps with a central indentation on the skin. These bumps are usually painless but may become itchy or inflamed. Other symptoms can include redness around the lesions and occasional soreness in affected areas.
4. How is molluscum contagiosum diagnosed by healthcare providers?
Healthcare providers typically diagnose molluscum based on physical examination of the characteristic skin lesions. In some cases, they may perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. It's important for individuals with suspected infections to consult a healthcare professional promptly for accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations.






2. Maddocks-Jennings, W. et al. (2005) A fresh look at manuka and Kanuka Essential Oils from New Zealand, International Journal of Aromatherapy. No longer published by Elsevier. Available here.

3. Hon A/Prof Amanda Oakley, Dermatologist, Hamilton, New Zealand, 1997. Updated by Dr. Amanda Oakley and Dr. Daniela Vanousova, Dermatologist, Czech Republic, in September 2015. Published by DermNet NZ Revision August 2021. Available here.

4. Olsen JR, Piguet V, Gallacher J, Francis NA. Molluscum contagiosum and associations with atopic eczema in children: a retrospective longitudinal study in primary care. Br J Gen Pract. 2016;66(642):e53-8. doi:10.3399/bjgp15X688093. Journal 

